The Congregation at Duke University Chapel

What Shall the Carillon Play?

For the ears, you can listen to an audio recording of this presentation. [high fidelity audio playable under all personal computer operating systems via VLC media player, Microsoft Windows Media Player with the codecs for FLAC et al, OS X QuickTime with the XiphQT plugin, etc., on many Android-based mobile devices, and on iOS-based mobile devices via apps such as FLAC Player or Golden Ear]

What Shall the Carillon Play?

presentation at Adult Forum by
Sam Hammond
University Carillonneur
March 19, 2017

After our speaker departed for the keyboard, we watched a portion of a video to see Sam Hammond playing the carillon, and a portion of another video to see a few clappers in motion in the carillon.

For some context, you may wish to read a brief history of the The Chapel Carillon.