The Congregation at Duke University Chapel

Worship With Us

Sunday Morning Worship

Duke University Chapel offers Sunday morning worship at 11:00 a.m. every week throughout the year with the exception of graduation weekend in May.  Duke University Chapel is a Christian church of an unusually interdenominational character, with a tradition of stirring music, preaching, and liturgy. Guest preachers grace the pulpit frequently. The sacrament of communion is offered weekly, either during the service in the sanctuary or immediately following the service in the Memorial Chapel. Details about upcoming worship services are on the Duke University Chapel website.

Weekly Services

On weeks during the academic year when Choral Evensong is held, it is on Sunday at 4:00 p.m. in Duke University Chapel's main sanctuary. Evensong is based on the 1662 Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England and lasts approximately one hour.

Choral Vespers is offered some Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. This 40 minute candlelight service, led by the Vespers Ensemble, consists of scripture readings, prayers, and sacred music.

Special Worship Services

Duke Chapel offers worship services to celebrate important dates in the liturgical year. Services include Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, Easter, and All Hallows Eve. Holy Week services include Maundy Thursday in the evening, Stations of the Cross at midday on Good Friday, Tenebrae on the evening of Good Friday, Easter Sunrise Service in Duke Gardens, and 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services in the Chapel on Easter Sunday.