The Congregation at Duke University Chapel


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Email your financial pledge.

The Congregation at Duke University Chapel is entirely supported by the financial gifts of its members and friends. The Congregation, which receives no income from Duke University or any endowments, is financially and organizationally distinct from Duke University Chapel.

Read this letter from the Stewardship and Finance Committee.

Our Money in Action

A church, just like any organization, must responsibly manage its resources. The Congregation creates and approves a budget as our guide in using our financial gifts to achieve our goals as a Christian congregation. What is shown below outlines how the Congregation uses those resources. Pastoral and staff salary packages have been allocated to program areas based on responsibilities. The budgeted expense for the current fiscal year is set at $404,288.


In the Bible, we are reminded about how important learning and teaching is, especially for the young. This portion of our Budget provides for that teaching: children’s classes, youth ministry, adult education opportunities, and retreats for all ages.


Outreach is the heart of our Congregation, through which our treasure is sent out to do God’s work in the world. We support local missions through grants, serve dinners at the local shelter, and provide support to Habitat for Humanity. We also reach out to the world through worldwide mission by supporting African children and missionaries in China.
Congregation Expenses 2021-2022


A portion of our gifts cover outreach specifically to congregation members: fellowship events, outreach to those in a time of need, our newsletter, our stewardship drive, the organization of special worship services, and our annual luncheon.


As we worship each Sunday in Duke University Chapel, few realize the dozens of details that go into making the service speak to each of us such as the preparation of the communion table, the nursery for the little ones, children's activity bags, music and prayer ministries, and the Christmas Eve services.


In many ways this is the “nuts and bolts” or machinery that keeps our Congregation running smoothly, including our website development, office expenses, financial services, insurance, and parking subsidies for our staff.

Ways to Give

If you wish to financially support the ministries of The Congregation at Duke University Chapel there are several ways you may do so.

Give Online

Giving online is simple and secure. You may designate a one-time or recurring gift and may change your gift at any time. When you give online, you will receive an emailed receipt and your giving record will be updated automatically. Please give online here.

Sunday Offering

To support the Congregation, place checks made out to "The Congregation at Duke University Chapel" or cash enclosed in an envelope marked "Congregation" in the offering plate during Sunday morning worship. Other undesignated gifts received in the offering plates support the programs of Duke University Chapel or special mission projects as announced.


You are welcome to mail a gift to the Congregation at any time using the following address:
    The Congregation at Duke University Chapel
    Box 90974
    Durham, NC 27708-0974

Online Banking

If you use online banking, you may set up one-time or recurring donations through the bill payment service offered by your bank or credit union. Please direct the gift to the mailing address above.

IRA Distribution

A charitable distribution made directly from an IRA to the Congregation may qualify for favorable tax treatment. Contact your financial or tax advisor for specific requirements.


The gift of appreciated securities is most often in the form of common stock or mutual funds. Such a gift is a valuable way to benefit the Congregation and for you to receive tax benefits based on the fair market value of the assets.

Planned Giving

A bequest enables you to provide significant support to the Congregation when you no longer need financial assets. Naming the Congregation as a beneficiary on life insurance policies is also an option. Speak with your financial or legal advisor about including the Congregation in your will or similar documents.

Financial Accountability and Transparency

The Congregation is a careful and faithful steward of its gifts and resources. An external auditor reviews the Congregation's financial record annually. Please contact the Congregation office to view the annual audits. Likewise, the Congregation's IRS Form 990 and the Congregation's budget reports are available for review upon request.