2003 Strategic Plan
Congregation at Duke Chapel
**How will we grow?**
**How will we give?**
Respectfully Submitted
April 3, 2003
Judy Hays, Chair
Chuck King
Nancy Jirtle
Carleton Lee
Patsy Willimon
Nancy Ferree-Clark, Pastor
Mission and Vision Statements
Mission Statement of the Congregation at Duke Chapel
Believing that God has reached out to us with love and forgiveness, we seek to grow together in faith through worship, study, service, and celebration, to the end that we embody Christ’s compassion and holiness.
Vision Statement of the Congregation at Duke Chapel
From this moment forward, the Congregation at Duke Chapel will…
Worship God together. Members will gather every Sunday morning for worship in Duke Chapel, and at other regular times as a Congregation, which is their essential service to God and a means to grow together into a community of mutual care. With the help of the Holy Spirit, members will provide resources to develop and sustain their worship life and those who lead it.
Study together. The Congregation will provide all its members with opportunities to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ, and in their understanding of the Christian Scriptures, theology, and the intersection of Christianity and culture. Opportunities to study will be widely available to those with diverse needs, gifts, and interests. To that end, the Congregation will raise up teachers and leaders and provide the resources for their training and ministry.
Serve together. All members will be engaged in active service to others, including the Congregation, Duke University Chapel and students, and communities and churches in North Carolina and around the world. Their service will be appropriate to their gifts and abilities and flexible with respect to time. Together, members of the Congregation will develop and sustain a signature project in the local community, in order to serve others and knit together Congregation members into one body in Christ.
Celebrate together. Every gift of God is cause for celebration and fellowship in the body of Christ at Duke Chapel. God gives gifts to individuals and families from birth to death. His gifts are recounted for us in liturgical events and seasons. Everyday we are called by God to be His people together in a fractured world. We will take every opportunity to celebrate God’s gifts, and every worship, study, and service activity will include time for celebration and fellowship.
I. We will grow through Study/Christian Nurture
Expand dramatically the opportunities for study, education and spiritual formation.
- The Education Committees of the Congregation Council will:
- Survey “Teaching Congregations” for new and successful strategies for
- Bible and/or theological studies,
- spiritual formation,
- studies of Christianity and culture.
- Survey Congregation members to assess felt needs for new and/or alternative programs and barriers to current participation.
- Recommend to Congregation Council the specific and prioritized needs for additional:
- programs/curricula in each age group
- space
- teachers
- pastoral support
- administrative support
- funding for other new initiatives
1.a. – The Adult Education Committee will develop and conduct a survey of “Teaching Congregations” identified by the Duke Divinity School, in order to develop new ideas for Biblical and theological study, spiritual formation, nd the study of Christianity and culture, by November 2003.
1. b. – The Adult, Youth and Children's Committees will conduct a survey of Congregation members regarding their interest in and felt need for new courses of studies and Christian nurture, including assessment of barriers to participation in current offerings, by November 2003.
1.c. – The Adult, Youth and Children's Committees will recommend jointly to Congregation Council a 3-year plan based on results of surveys regarding new initiatives for the study of the Bible and Christian nurture and their priority for implementation, by December 2003.
1.c. – Following approval by the Congregation Council, the Education Committees will provide to the Finance Committee and Executive Council the anticipated need for additional pastoral and administrative support, as well as estimates of necessary funding.
1.c. – The Education Committees will implement the approved plan beginning in January 2004. - Survey “Teaching Congregations” for new and successful strategies for
II. We will give through Service and Outreach
Expand dramatically the opportunities for service and outreach to the church and the world.
- The Mission and Outreach Program Area will:
- Develop a 3-year plan of priorities for mission and outreach opportunities, including consideration of:
- Involvement of graduate and undergraduate Duke students,
- Missionary support,
- International and domestic mission teams for youth and/or adults,
- Relationships to other congregations locally, nationally, or internationally for common worship, study, service, and celebration,
- Procedures for soliciting and responding to new initiatives as God opens opportunities.
1.a.i. – By October 2003, the M&O Program Area will develop a 3-year plan to- involve Duke undergraduate and graduate students in Congregation service projects through advertising at Religious Life staff meetings, in Chapel bulletins, and through a greater presence on the Congregation’s web page, and
- strengthen its outreach ministry to graduate and professional students.
1.a.iii. - By January 2004, the M&O Program Area in consultation with the youth intern will develop a 3-year plan of locations, dates, and groups of likely participants (e.g. adults, students, youth, non-members) for possible- international trips
- domestic mission trips.
- Durham Congregations in Action, specifically re: the possibility of matching with an ethnic minority congregation, through the “Partner Congregations” program,
- NC Council of Churches, specifically re: working with other congregations interested in social justice ministries on an ecumenical basis.
- ways to encourage and actively solicit new missions initiatives from members regularly each year and develop ways to support their efforts, where appropriate.
- opportunities to become involved in the “Duke-Durham Partnership Initiatives” by September 2004.
- opportunities to visit the outreach ministries of the Church of the Savior in Washington, D.C., to learn about the origins of these projects, by January 2004.
- recommend a “signature outreach project” in Durham by January 2005.
- Develop a 3-year plan of priorities for mission and outreach opportunities, including consideration of:
- The Chapel Support Program Area will identify the needs of the Chapel’s worship, music, and student ministries as anticipated over the coming 3 years and develop strategies to contribute:
- human resources and
- financial support.
2.a. – The Chapel Support Program Area will form a task force to develop, in consultation with the Dean of Duke Chapel and Friends of Duke Chapel, a 3-year plan for recruiting volunteers to provide Congregation support to selected Chapel programs.
2.b. – In consultation with the Dean and the Friends, they will target specific projects for financial support by the Congregation for the enhancement of Chapel worship, music, and/or student ministries.
2.c. – The Chapel Support Area will present their 3-year plan to the Congregation Council for approval and recommend to the Finance Committee and Executive Council, by February 2004, the funding targets, priorities, and any pastoral and administrative resources needed to accomplish the activities described above.
- The Congregational Care Program Area will:
- Evaluate the level of informal support currently being provided to members in need (beyond care provided by the pastor or Stephen Ministry Committee.)
- Survey leadership churches and pastoral care scholars regarding vital congregational ministries of prayer and healing.
- Develop a 3-year plan for expanding the Congregation’s ministries of prayer, healing, and support, including
- ministries in support of Congregation members and
- strategies for responding to needs of non-members who worship in Duke Chapel.
3.a.-b. The Congregational Care Program Area, in consultation with the Pastor, will:- survey members who have provided and been provided informal support to assess needs perceived both by those providing and those being provided care by January 2004;
- investigate ministries of prayer and healing in churches with extensive and effective such ministries (both locally and nationally) and interview scholars studying such ministries, by June 2004.
- members who are seriously ill and/or hospitalized,
- shut-ins and disabled members, and
- members in crisis, including establishing clear guidelines for the Loaves and Fishes ministry and a plan for recruiting sufficient participants to provide food as needed.
3.c. The Congregational Care Program will at the appropriate times:- present their planned activities to the Congregation Council for approval,
- prioritize the initiatives requiring additional financial resources, and
- recommend to the Finance Committee and Executive Council, as appropriate, the funding targets, priorities, and pastoral and administrative resources needed to accomplish the activities described above.
- The Stephen Ministry Committee will develop a three-year plan addressing:
- anticipated Congregational needs for Stephen Ministers
- recruitment of Stephen Ministers
- training of Stephen Ministers
- leadership for Stephen Ministers
- funding, pastoral, and administrative needs for the Stephen Ministry
4.a. - The Stephen Ministry Committee will set a goal for numbers of Stephen Ministers needed to minister to the Congregation for the next three years by October 2003.
4.b. - The Stephen Ministry Committee will develop a strategic plan for recruiting more Stephen Ministers in accordance with the goal set by January 2004.
4.c. - The Stephen Ministry Committee will offer training opportunities, possibly in conjunction with other local Stephen Ministry programs, as often as necessary.
4.d. - The Stephen Ministry Committee will send members for training at the national workshops for Stephen Ministry Leaders at least twice in the next three years.
4.e. – The Stephen Ministry Committee will present the 3-year plan to the Congregation Council for approval and recommend to the Finance Committee and Executive Council, as appropriate, the funding targets, priorities, and pastoral and administrative resources needed to accomplish the activities described above.
I. Member Participation/Communication
Provide to the members of the Congregation a sense of belonging to a church community.
Increase participation by a larger number of members in all areas: worship, study, service, and celebration.
Increase the awareness of and a sense of welcome to the Congregation among all those who attend Chapel services or who might be touched by the work of the Congregation.
- The Congregation Council will form a Membership Committee to:
- provide welcome and information regularly to worshippers in Duke Chapel who are interested in Congregation activities and membership.
- initiate membership classes for prospective members to assist them in understanding the Congregation, including its culture, goals, and programs, and assessing the fit between their needs/desires for a Christian church and the specific church which is the Congregation at Duke Chapel.
- match each new member with a "buddy" for the first 12 months of membership and support their on-going relationship.
- initiate a program for regular reinstruction and recommitment of all members
- match the skills/knowledge (gifts/talents) of members to the needs of the programs and make the names available to program and committee chairpersons.
- Consult with the Congregation Council regarding (1) changes to the By-Laws that reflect the responsibilities given to the Membership Committee and (2) administrative resources needed to conduct the business of the Committee.
- The Congregation Council will name a Chair and congregation members to a Membership Committee to complete the following actions by June 2004 according to the priority deemed appropriate by the Committee:
- Recommend strategies for “first contact” with and outreach to those interested in Congregational membership.
- Design membership classes for prospective members that include
- curriculum content,
- teaching responsibilities (e.g., presentation by specific program leadership),
- number of classes,
- attendance requirement,
- guidelines for discernment about the call to membership,
- membership criteria with respect to both growing and giving,
- sponsorship by current member(s),
- accountability, and
- ceremony/celebration of membership.
- Design system for recruitment and matching of new members with current members for support and encouragement during the first 12 months of membership.
- Design a program of recommitment for current members including
- guidelines for discernment of recommitment,
- how often recommitment is required,
- membership criteria with respect to both growing and giving,
- accountability, and
- ceremony/celebration of recommitment.
- Present their plans to the Congregation Council for approval and recommend to the Finance Committee and Executive Council, as appropriate, the funding targets, priorities, and pastoral and administrative resources needed to accomplish the activities described above.
- Design a communication system whereby the talents, gifts, and availability of members are made known to program and committee chairpersons.
- Recommend (1) further specification, as needed, of the duties of Council officers and Pastor and Membership Policies for Active, Inactive, Withdrawn & Affiliate Members as stipulated in the By-Laws, and (2) administrative resources required for on-going implementation of membership programs.
- The Council will form an Administration Committee to evaluate and make recommendations regarding the potential of all media for communication of Congregational activities, support, and organization.
Action Plan:- The Congregation Council will name a Chair and congregation members to an Administration Committee to complete the following actions by February 2004, according to the priority deemed appropriate by the Committee:
- Assess the potential and optimal use of voice, print, and electronic media, including:
- world wide web pages
- Congregation newsletter
- Congregation brochure
- telephone answering machine message
- campus and local newspapers
- telephone tree
- other formats
for communication of Congregation activities to:- members of the Congregation at Duke Chapel,
- members of the University community, including faculty, students, and staff,
- those who worship at Duke Chapel, including both members and others, and
- local, national, and international communities
- Advise the Congregation Council regarding media and communication issues affecting the Congregation and facilitate communication of activities of other Congregation Committees and programs.
- Present their plans to the Congregation Council for approval and recommend to the Finance Committee and Executive Council, as appropriate, the funding targets, priorities, and pastoral and administrative resources needed to accomplish the activities described above.
- Recommend to the Congregation Council changes in the By-Laws relevant to establishment of their Committee.
- Assess the potential and optimal use of voice, print, and electronic media, including:
- The Congregation Council will name a Chair and congregation members to an Administration Committee to complete the following actions by February 2004, according to the priority deemed appropriate by the Committee:
II. Material Resources
Every member will make a financial contribution to the ministries of the Congregation each year and will have the opportunity for regular, increased giving.
Every member will be involved in a service activity to the Congregation and its members or the community at-large.
The administrative activities and space needs of the Congregation will be organized and documented.
- The income budget of the Congregation will be doubled in the next 3 years by means of:
- a financial plan
- restricted gifts
- a stewardship plan
1.a. The Finance Committee will develop and recommend to the Congregation Council a financial plan for the Congregation.- An Endowment Fund and recommendation for use(s) of funds derived from this program by December 2003.
- A Planned Giving Program and recommendations for use(s) of funds derived from this program, by December 2003.
- Advantages and disadvantages of electronic collection of offerings and pledges with recommendations for same by March 2004.
- A review of current practices and efforts to make such gifts and recommendations for a formal policy by March 2004.
- develop a strategic stewardship plan for the next 3 years.
- design and execute an annual stewardship campaign.
- present their plans to the Congregation Council for approval and recommend to the Finance Committee and Executive Council, as appropriate, the funding targets, priorities, and pastoral and administrative resources needed to accomplish the activities described above.
- Recommend to the Congregation Council changes in the By-Laws relevant to establishment of the Stewardship Committee.
- The Stewardship Committee will assume responsibility for maintaining a data base of skills available within the Congregation that are needed for the effective operation of the Congregation’s programs and other activities, and to match needs with resources where possible.
Action Plan:
2. The Stewardship Committee will complete the following activities by November 2004:- Review current skills database and its operation.
- Review similar databases of other churches to determine if any changes are necessary.
- In consultation with the Pastor, prepare congregation members for a personal inventory of skills, spiritual gifts, and talents, and conduct such an inventory.
- Develop and maintain database of members’ skills, gifts and talents
- Develop policies and procedures for effective use.
- Assist Membership Committee, program and committee chairpersons to match the skills/gifts/talents of members to the needs of the Congregation.
- Present planned activities to the Congregation Council for approval and recommend to the Finance Committee and Executive Council about funding priorities and requisite skills of administrative assistant to the Pastor for database management.
- The Administration Committee will review the routine practices of the Congregation and, where appropriate, formalize a policy and procedure manual.
Action Plan:
3. The newly formed Administration Committee will complete the following actions by December 2004:- Review and revise as necessary a governance process for the Congregation that defines the authority of the Congregation Council and articulates the procedures for placement on the Council’s monthly agenda, initiation of a request for action by the Council, appropriate outcomes to such requests, including recommendation of By-Law changes to effect the above, by December 2003.
- Prepare a policy and procedure manual, including:
- Develop a standard format and style.
- Interview Congregation staff and appropriate individuals and groups to determine all routine policies, procedures and practices.
- Determine those policies and procedures that should be documented, e.g. human resources, fiscal, office operations, governance operations, business practices, etc.
- Assign topic areas to appropriate standing committees where available and others to individual members of the Administration Committee.
- Establish a regular schedule for reviewing the policies and procedures for any necessary revisions.
- Establish and conduct a regular review of the Congregation’s insurance program (including workmen’s compensation and liability), Articles of Incorporation, and By-Laws.
- Utilize material from the Greenleaf Foundation or other leadership development programs, develop a standardized leadership training curriculum for new officers, committee and program chairs, and teachers.
- Present planned activities to the Congregation Council for approval and recommend to the Finance Committee and Executive Council, as appropriate, any new funding and pastoral and administrative resources needed to accomplish the activities described above.
- Recommend to the Congregation Council changes in the By-Laws relevant to establishment of the Administration Committee.
- Adequate space will be available for the planning and execution of all activities of the Congregation.
Action Plan:
4. The Administration Committee, in consultation with the programmatic committees of the Congregation, will complete the following activities by December 2003:- Inventory space requirements for all current and anticipated Congregational activities.
- Prepare a space plan, including space on-campus, at the Episcopal Center, and in other community-based spaces.
- Evaluate and make recommendations for use and support of Duke Divinity School space and dedicated space for Congregational use in the Episcopal Center.
- Present planned activities to the Congregation Council for approval and recommend to the Finance Committee and Executive Council, as appropriate, the funding targets, priorities, and pastoral and administrative resources needed to accomplish the activities described above.