The Congregation at Duke University Chapel

Winess to the Resurrection

For the ears, you can listen to an audio recording [high fidelity audio playable under all personal computer operating systems via VLC media player, Microsoft Windows Media Player with the codecs for FLAC et al, OS X QuickTime with the XiphQT plugin, etc., on many Android-based mobile devices, and on iOS-based mobile devices via apps such as FLAC Player or Golden Ear]

Witness to the Resurrection: Scripts, Substitutes and Sermons

presentation at Adult Forum by
The Rev. Dr. Jerusha Neal,
Assistant Professor of Homiletics in Duke Divinity, and
guest preacher in Duke Chapel
November 10, 2019

How does Jesus's risen body impact the preaching and witness of Acts? How does resurrection change the way we think about church, society and our own lives?