In the days after Christmas, children and adults alike will ask “What did you get for Christmas?” The pious answer is “Jesus”. The secular answer enumerates the tangible gifts that were under the Christmas tree. Both answers may be true and honest.
As we enter this New Year, I invite you to think about another kind of gift – spiritual gifts. God has graciously given each of us a variety of gifts. Period. We are gifted, each of us and all of us. In addition, God calls us and gives us the privilege of using these gifts for God’s glory and the betterment of the world around us. That, too, is a gift – the gift which gives us meaning and purpose in our lives.
If you are curious about your own spiritual gifts, there are several ways you may explore them. Starting next week, two book groups will gather to discuss Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts by Charles Bryant. Details are below. On February 10, our half-day Winter Retreat will explore “Interior Movements and Holy Desires: Discerning What is Mine To Do”. Retreat details are online . And if you can’t wait a moment more to explore your gifts, this online assessment will give you an immediate answer!
I hope you will join me in exploring your own spiritual gifts and seeking new appreciation for the gifts of others, for indeed, we start this New Year as blessed and gifted by God.
May the peace of Christ be with you.
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