Does Apocalyptic Thought Tell Us About the End of the World? This is the topic that Dr. Mickey Efird will address at our Winter Retreat on Saturday, March 18 (rescheduled from Saturday, February 11). Participants will look at apocalyptic thought and literature in the Scriptures to search for answers; the answers may be surprising. Dr. Efird is a Professor Emeritus at Duke Divinity School, and he has written extensively in the area of Biblical studies.
The retreat will be held at Pilgrim United Church of Christ, 3011 Academy Road, Durham, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. A $10 per person fee will cover the cost of the catered lunch.
Please send us an email to register for the retreat, or call the Congregation office via 919-684-3917.
If you would like to pay for your lunch in advance, you may:
- use the Buy Now button at the top of the page,
- place your check payable to The Congregation at Duke University Chapel with a memo line filled with March 18 retreat in the offering plate during a worship service,
- mail such a check to:
The Congregation at Duke University Chapel
Box 90974
Durham, NC 27708-0974 .
Those who have pre-registered may also pay by cash or check at the door. Space and food for walk-ins is likely to be limited or non-existent.