The Congregation at Duke University Chapel

Position Description for
Pastor for Education and Discipleship

Congregation at Duke University Chapel

April 2018

POSITION RESPONSIBILITIES: Pastor for Education and Discipleship, in consultation with the Senior Pastor and other staff, provides leadership for the educational ministries of the Congregation for youth and adults. His/her ministry is to embody the Congregation’s mission statement, which is

Believing that God has reached out to us with love and forgiveness,
We seek to grow together in faith through worship, study, service, and celebration,
To the end that we embody Christ's compassion and holiness

RELATIONSHIP TO THE CHURCH: The Pastor for Education and Discipleship is a full-time employee of the Congregation at Duke University Chapel.

ACCOUNTABILITY: Pastor for Education and Discipleship is accountable to the Senior Pastor and cooperates with the entire staff of the Congregation at Duke University Chapel to develop and nurture the spiritual life of the congregation. The Staff-Parish Relations Committee establishes the scope of responsibilities and specific terms of employment for the Pastor for Education and Discipleship, and provides a forum for annual evaluation of her/his work.

SPECIFIC DUTIES: Pastor for Education and Discipleship provides support and oversight to the educational ministries of the Congregation for youth and adults. In addition, he/she will encourage and nurture Christian community and service to neighbors. This person works cooperatively with all staff members and lay leaders.

  1. General
    1. Be a Christian disciple growing into maturity, practicing and commending the spiritual disciplines both by teaching and example.
    2. Develop, implement, and coordinate ministries in conjunction with the Congregation Council and pastors.
    3. Maintain open communication with the Congregation.
    4. Attend worship services each Sunday.
    5. Strive to exhibit Christian character and conduct in all relationships.
    6. Be an active participant in the community life of the Congregation at Duke Chapel and promote participation in the programs within it and in the larger community
    7. Assist the Pastors and lay leadership in articulating the purpose, mission and vision of the Congregation at Duke Chapel, and in programming to achieve its goals and objectives.
    8. Practice the appropriate keeping of confidences, and maintain the integrity of confidential data.
    9. Work with staff and Council to maintain current and clear policies to prevent sexual misconduct. Ensure that all paid and volunteer staff who have contact with children comply with these policies and accompanying requirements including training, processing and monitoring.
  2. Programmatic
    1. Educational Ministry for Youth and Adults
      Provide leadership and resourcing for the development, coordination, evaluation and enhancement of Christian education for youth sixth through twelfth grade and adults of all ages.
      1. In cooperation with volunteers and the Educational Committee, teach classes within the Congregation for youth and adults.
      2. Provide staff support to the Education Committee through participation in their meetings, providing resources, and raising new ideas for consideration.
      3. Facilitate and oversee a weekly Sunday morning Bible study for youth.
      4. Facilitate and oversee regular Youth Fellowship programming which includes educational, service and social components.
      5. Facilitate and oversee summer programming for youth such as summer conference or mission trips.
      6. Lead a Confirmation Class for youth eighth grade and older on an as needed basis, typically every other year.
      7. Facilitate and support educational opportunities for young adults in their 20's and 30's including Duke University students.
      8. Facilitate and support educational opportunities for adults of all ages such as book groups, Lenten studies, retreats, and the Adult Forum.
      9. Facilitate and support intergenerational educational opportunities for youth and adults.
      10. Prepare and oversee the budget for educational ministry for youth and adults.
      11. Provide and coordinate overall publicity for educational ministry through means such as the eNews, website, social media, personal outreach, and Christian thought leadership that inspires others
      12. Oversee the keeping of appropriate records.
      13. Recruit, train, support and thank volunteers to assist with above programming.
      14. Evaluate and revise programming on a regular basis.
    2. Fellowship and Pastoral Care
      Encourage fellowship and community building within the Congregation and offer pastoral care to participants of educational ministries, in coordination with other pastors.
      1. Include community building as part of educational ministries, such as sharing of prayer requests or occasional meals.
      2. Offer care, counsel and support to individuals and families.
      3. Offer pastoral care and support to Congregation members who are in college through such means as social media, phone calls, or lunch on campus with students who are in the Triangle area.
      4. Maintain contact with the parents and siblings of youth, offering pastoral care as needed.
      5. Visit members who are hospitalized or in nursing homes as needed and as a back up to the Senior Pastor in her absence.
      6. Evaluate and revise ministries on a regular basis.
    3. Mission and Outreach
      Support the Mission and Outreach ministries of the Congregation and encourage youth and adults to deepen a commitment of service to others.
      1. Encourage youth and adults to engage in mission and service projects, recognizing that mission work often promotes greater fellowship and deeper connections to others and to God
      2. Work with the Mission and Outreach committee to provide regular service projects appropriate for youth and adults.
      3. Link educational opportunities to mission initiatives.
      4. Evaluate and revise ministries on a regular basis.
  3. Qualifications and Skill Set
    1. Graduate theological education required.
    2. Capacity and desire to serve in an interdenominational setting in which the Apostles' Creed serves as the statement of faith.
    3. Ability to incorporate the beliefs and practices of the Christian faith into programmed activities.
    4. Strong communication skills and an engaging personality. Ability to recruit, motivate, lead, encourage, and thank volunteers, and to communicate the vision for ministry at the Congregation at Duke University Chapel.
    5. Team player: ability to work cooperatively, flexibly, fruitfully, and creatively as a member of the church staff, and with diverse groups within the congregation.
    6. Willingness to work with all people, regardless of age, race, background, or sexual orientation.
    7. Ability to offer leadership in meetings.
    8. Ability to recognize occasions when referral is appropriate.
    9. Self-starter with the ability to manage details, meet deadlines, and work in an atmosphere with minimal direct supervision on a day-to-day basis.
    10. Ability to work with a PC-based desktop environment, including familiarity with word processing, database, spreadsheet, and presentations software.
    11. Minimum physical requirements:
      1. Ability to sit at a desk and use a keyboard for extended periods of time, up to eight hours per day
      2. Sufficient mobility to navigate Duke University Chapel
      3. Sufficient mobility and reliable transportation to visit families and individuals in the home, hospital or other locations
      4. Sufficient mobility to participate in fellowship activates and games with youth and adults.
      5. Ability to understand the speech of another person and to speak clearly so listeners can understand, both in person and on the phone
      6. Ability to lift 25 pounds